A little more about me

Hello there! My name is Jit Siong and people usually just call me Jit. I am 24 this year, currently in my second year pursuing my degree in Computer Science (CS) – Cyber Security and prior to enrolment, I was studying Electrical, Computer and Communications engineering at Nanyang Polytechnic and it was at this period that I was first exposed to coding and it sparked my interest in CS.


After my mandatory National Service, I was in no mood to study and was also not sure whether to pursue CS, so I took a gap year to work full time while trying to figure things out and my parents were definitely not happy about my decision (you know how asian parents are). Since I was used to having to know what the next step in life was(primary -> secondary -> tertiary -> army) and seeing my friends going to university made me couldn’t help but wonder if I made the wrong decision. However, in hindsight, if I were presented the same choice again, I would take gap year in a heartbeat.
During my gap year, I worked as IT support full time while freelancing as IT field engineer on the side and it was during this period I had the opportunity to interact with individuals from all walks of life and ultimately made me solidify my decision in pursuing CS.

“Low quality photo but high quality times”

Why Computer Science – Cyber Security ?

Since the world is transitioning into digital world, our lives is becoming more dependent on digital systems than ever where it is almost hard to imagine a life without it. We have all our personal data stored online, from our photos, bank records to medical records. Hence, I pursued cyber security in hopes to contribute towards a safer online world


I rarely play games, sometimes I would go for weeks without playing any games and sometimes I will play everyday for a few days depending on my mood. Due to motion sickness from playing most games, my games are limited only to League of Legends, Osu and Counter Strike. Since I seldom play games, I mostly would spend my free time watching Netflix – K-drama, Sitcom, Anime, Documentary. One of my favourite documentaries is “14 Peak: Nothing Is Impossible”. It is about Nirmal Purja, formerly Nepalese, now British who defies all odds by summiting 14 peaks in just 6 months 6 days while the previous record was 7 years 310 days. Nobody believed in him when he first announced his plans to summit 14 peaks in under 7 months. However, against all odds, Nims proved that his “impossible” goal was achievable.


I love travelling because it gives me a sense of freedom, allowing me to break free from the repetitive lifestyle. While some may dread to travel due to the hassle of planning the itinerary but for me, I would say I am very flexible in terms of planning. Typically, for each trip I only have a few must-visit places which left me with ample time to exploring random places, although usually I would just chill in café. This year, I visited Japan, Korea and Taiwan and during my Taiwan trip I went on a hike to Xiao Zi Shan (孝子山), it’s my first time going on a hike while travelling and let’s just say that this definitely would not be my last time going on a hike while travelling! Sharing some photos that I took for my 3 trips

Thanks all for reading till the end, hope you get to know me a little more!

9 replies on “A little more about me”

Hi Jit, this is Gen who also loves traveling. I planned to go to Korea and Taiwan during our previous semester break. Unlike you, I got no chance to get there due to some issues with my visa. Hence, I decided to go to Thailand where there is no visa requirement for me. I’ve never watched documentary films before so I decided to try watching your recommended one from Netflix. Actually, I’m indeed a big fan of K-dramas in which Reply 1988 and Hospital playlists are my most favorite ones. If you haven’t watched them, I would like to recommend you to watch them and I’m pretty confident to say that they’re worth watching!

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Hi Jit, it is really nice knowing you through this blog. Same as you, I also took a gap year to think as I was still uncertain on which career path do I want to go to. Oh so you do not play games, if you have, I would definitely asked you to join me! I am also a huge fan of K-Drama, I have watched most of the dramas in Netflix – my all-time favourite would be Dr Romantic. I could learnt meaningful things there!

I have never watched documentary before and the one that you have recommended seems awesome from the trailer, maybe I should watch it! Omg me too, I also love travelling a lot! I hope in the future, I would be able to travel around the world. That’s my dream!

It was an interesting blog! Take care and all the best for future endeavors!

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Hello Jit, nice to meet you!

I appreciate the honest and interesting blog post as it covers a lot on your passions and viewpoints in life. Thank you for openly sharing your vulnerabilities and letting us know it is okay to take some time to figure out the major you desire so I think it is a very solid advice!

I personally think your motive for studying computer science is commendable, since it is for the sake of a safer cyberspace and protecting the interests of many.

During my free time, I play League of Legends and Osu too, but I am a master of none. You can probably consider streaming on twitch too if you want to try something new!

Anyways, thanks for the interesting read! All the best for your studies!

Take care,
Sheen Yi

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Hi Jit, nice to meet you! It seems like you had a great time working before continuing with your studies.
The documentary that you shared is such a thought-provoking content. I am truly amazed by Nirmal Purja and his incredible feat of endurance! He reminds me of this quote:
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” -Audrey Hepburn
Thank you for sharing such an inspiring documentary. So far, I have only hiked in Singapore, my favourite hiking place is Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. After reading about your first hiking experience at Taiwan’s Xiao Zi Shan (孝子山), I would love to hike overseas in the future too!
Anyways, I enjoyed reading your blog and I wish you all the best for your future endeavours! 😊


Hello Jit Siong, Good to meet you and is good to know you throughout the blog. I also have the same experience when thinking on continue to pursue the profession. After reading about your life before university, I can relate to you as I also took a gap year for making the decision and I am happy that you can make your decision to continue pursuing your profession.

Furthermore, your travel story is the one that got my attention. I am jealous of the places that you have travelled. As an individual who also loves to travel, your post definitely gives me some ideas on where can I travel in the future.

Take care and wish you all the best in your studies and your future endeavors.


Hi Jit, Ka Seng here. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post! It’s great to learn more about your journey and interests. Taking a gap year to work and figure things out can be a difficult decision, especially when faced with societal expectations. But it’s inspiring to see how that experience shaped your path towards pursuing Computer Science(Cyber Security).

I wholeheartedly agree with your choice to focus on cyber security in today’s digital world. Our increasing reliance on digital systems makes it crucial to contribute to a safer online environment. It’s commendable that you’re passionate about protecting personal data and striving for a secure digital space.

Your leisure activities reflect a well-rounded approach to life. From limited gaming sessions to exploring a variety of content on Netflix, you’re balancing your interests. I can understand the appeal of K-dramas, sitcoms, anime, and documentaries, they offer diverse perspectives and engaging storytelling.

Traveling is indeed a gateway to freedom and a break from the monotonous routine. I admire your flexible approach to planning trips, allowing for spontaneous explorations and moments of relaxation in cafes. The photos from your trips to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan are captivating, and it’s fantastic to hear that your hiking experience in Taiwan left a lasting impression.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and allowing us to get to know you better through your blog post. I look forward to reading more of your insightful reflections in the future! Wish you all the best in your studies and future endeavors!

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Hello Jit, it is good to know you through the short blogpost. I can totally resonate with you on the topic of going into university. I too, struggled with the tough decision of going into university after finishing my tertiary education. With typical asian parents, it is no doubt why I ended up in UOW. But I am glad you took the gap year to find out where your interests truly lies and ultimately solidifying your decisions to study CS. I wish all the best in your studies and future endeavours, hope to see you around!

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Nice to meet you Jit Siong! I really enjoyed your blog after reading it thoroughly! I too was also from Nanyang Polytechnic but I was studying Electronic Systems! I can understand about what you mean by how Asian parents are, I experience similar cases as you. I admire your dreams and ambition to help create a more safe online environment for everyone of us, especially that will benefit users of all ages from the ones that does harm to others online. Right after I read the part on your favorite documentary, I had immediately check it out and I have to say, I did not regret it at all. Thanks! But the photos of your trips to Japan, Korea and Taiwan did however make me regret a little for not going! Anyways, take care and see you around!


Hi Jit Siong! I really enjoyed your blog after reading it thoroughly! I too was also from Nanyang Polytechnic but I was studying Electronic Systems! I can understand about what you mean by how Asian parents are, I experience similar cases as you. I admire your dreams and ambition to help create a more safe online environment for everyone of us, especially that will benefit users of all ages from the ones that does harm to others online. Right after I read the part on your favorite documentary, I had immediately check it out and I have to say, I did not regret it at all. Thanks! But the photos of your trips to Japan, Korea and Taiwan did however make me regret a little for not going! Anyways, take care and see you around!


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