Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model

Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model

Diving into why is it incomplete

“A dialouge based on the Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model”

Source (sender): Andrew
Transmitter/Receiver: Phone
Channel: Cell tower
Noise: Distortion in signals resulting in muffled voice which cannot be interpreted (highlighted in bold)
Destination: Betty

The main focus of Shannon and Weaver model was on telephonic conversation – sharing of information between two people where they are not present face to face. Although it is a simple model, human interactions and communication are much more than a linear, one-way process communication. Taking a look at the dialogue between Betty and her boss, the following elements are lacking…


The message being received as intended by the sender is unknown to the sender. In this case, Andrew do not know if Betty received the message as intended. With feedback, the receiver is able to provide feedback according to the message, thereby making the communication more realistic. Taking a look at how the dialogue between Betty and her boss would be if there was feedback. The inclusion of feedback allows Andrew know that Betty did not catch the crucial part where she have to get the links sent by noon.


Communication has no meaning without context. Context provides a deeper understanding of the situation, allowing more accurate interpretation of message. If there were context, the dialouge between Betty and her boss would be as follows. Andrew started of by letting Betty know that it is an urgent matter, and the importance to get the meeting invites out by noon. This additional information helps Betty understand the time-sensitive nature of the task, allowing her to prioritise her work accordingly and meet the deadline.

Body Language

Though the focus for the model was on telephonic conversation, it can be applied to face-to-face conversation as mentioned below. Nonverbal communication, including facial expressions, hand gestures, and more, encompasses 65% of total communication (Birdwhistell, 1970) and is universal to humankind. Take Mr. Bean as an example, without a word spoken and with body language as his primary means of communication, he is still able to express him. Viewers from all around the world is able to understand him, solely based on body language.

face-to-face’s model

Source: person talking
Transmitter: mouth
Channel: air (transmitting sound wave)
Noise: surrounding background noise
Receiver: ear
Destination: listener

My model

The model above, incorporates both feedback and body language(when applicable – face to face) between both sender and receiver with context as the main focus. Knowing the context, the same level of understanding of the situation can be achieved by both parties. Having feedback from sender to receiver and vice-versa ensures that both parties receives the message as intended. There is no perfect model, or a one size fits all model, this version of model is an adaptation of Shannon and Weaver’s Communication model based on my understanding.


The touch of human, such as feedback, context and body language, is lacking in Shannon and Weaver’s communication model. And by omitting any one of these, the message sent may not be interpreted as intended by the sender. Although the model is incomplete, it is often reffered to as “mother of all models”(Businesstopia) which helps to lay the foundation and understanding the technical aspects of communication.


5 replies on “Shannon and Weaver’s Communication Model”

Hi Jit, this is a wonderful blog post. I learned a lot from your examples. You provided step-by-step demonstrations for a reader to understand your well-researched contents. I particularly like the way you illustrate the model to be improved with your own diagram. I also admire that you could provide the reasons how the model is incomplete with your incredible creative illustrations with dialogues. It means that you deeply understand the topic. I agree with you that context plays an essential role in the communication process to interpret the messages accurately. I’m really grateful for the knowledge you shared in your blog. I look forward to reading your next blog post!

Liked by 1 person

Hi Jit Siong, i enjoyed reading your blogpost on Shannon-Weaver model! You do have an interesting take on the model with the feedbacks and body language, i would have put that into my blogpost had i thought about it earlier! I also mentioned in my post that context is a very important factor in communication, hence i do agree with you. Overall, really liked your example with the dialogues as well. Hope to see you around class soon!

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Hello Jit Siong, I like how straight forward and easy to understand this blog was. I also like how you used pictures and animated GIFs to help the readers understand how the model was flawed, and how you’ve improved upon it. I also agree with your version of the model, the incorporation of body language was something I’ve never thought of, had thought of it I would have used it in my blogpost as well. Overall a very good blog, keep up the good work!


Hi Jit,
I was able to understand the Shannon-Weaver model as you had broken down the model into which part was the sender, transmitter, etc. I do resonate with your post as most of the points that you had brought up were similar to mine. The images that you had used also help bring across what you were explaining in your blog. The conclusion of the blog was able to summarise all your points quickly and mention how the Shannon-Weaver model is still a good model to build around.


This analysis points out the shortcomings of Shannon and Weaver’s model in understanding real human communication. They didn’t consider important things like feedback, context, and body language. These missing elements can affect how messages are understood. For instance, in a conversation between Betty and her boss, without feedback, her boss doesn’t know if she got the message right. With context missing, Betty might not realize how important the task is. Even though their model is basic, it’s still important as a starting point to understand communication. But it’s like a foundation – more things need to be added for a complete picture.


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